姓     名:   肖红
学历/学位:   博士
职务/职称:   教授
教研室:   社会学与社会工作系
邮     箱:   xiaohong@nwu.edu.cn
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肖红,800cc全讯白菜网外籍教授。北京大学英语语言文学学士、硕士,美国康奈迪克大学社会学硕士、博士。曾任美国中央华盛顿大学社会学系教授,系主任 (1999-2010);新加坡南洋理工大学社会科学学院社会学副教授、应用老龄学硕士学位项目主任(2010-2018)。主要研究领域包括文化价值观比较,儿童教育、家庭暴力,社会层,代际关系。


1. Principal Investigator

Project Title: Changing Expectations of Old Age Support: Its Implications for Intergenerational Solidarity in Singapore and China

Funding Scheme/Agency: Nanyang Technological University Singapore, 2017- 2018

2. Co-Principal Investigator/International Collaborator

Project Title: Developing a Contemporary Theory of Harmony (PI: Li Chenyang, NTU)

Funding Scheme/Agency: Social Science Research Council, Singapore Ministry of Education, 2017-2020

3. Principal Investigator

Project Title: Changing Social and Economic Contexts and Their Impact on Family Dynamics

Funding Scheme/Agency: Nanyang Technological University Singapore, 2014- 2017

4. Co-Principal Investigator

Project Title: Negotiations and Impacts: Great Western Development, Rural Peasants, and Water Policy across China‟s Loess Plateau (PI: James Cook, Central Washington University) U.S. National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduate Students program (NSF/REU, #0851541), 2009-2012




1. Li, Chenyang and Hong Xiao. 2019. (Eds.) 灵根自植:中国哲学与世界华人》 (Self-Planting of Spiritual Roots: Chinese Philosophy and the Global Chinese). Singapore: Nanyang Technolgical University Confucian Institute Academic Series (南洋理工大学孔子学院学术丛书)

2. Xiao, Hong. 2001. Child-rearing Values in the United States and China: A Comparison of Belief Systems and Social Structure. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers


Refereed Journal Articles

1. Wu, Yuling and Hong Xiao. 2020. “China’s 2008 Labor Contract Law and the Economic Integration of Rural Migrants in Urban China.” Asian and Pacific Migration Journal (Sage), Vol. 29, No 4, 532-552

2. Wu, Yuling and Hong Xiao. 2020. “Rural-Urban Migration and Childrearing Values of Rural Migrants in Contemporary China.” Chinese Journal of Sociology (Sage), Vol. 6, No 3, 364-383

3. Wu, Yuling and Hong Xiao. 2018. “Social Insurance Participation among Rural Migrants in Reform Era China.” Asian and Pacific Migration Journal (Sage), Vol. 27, No 4, 383–403

4. Xiao, Hong and Jaynina Smith-Prince. 2015. “Disclosure of Childhood Sex Abuse: The Case of Pacific Islanders.” Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, Vol. 24, No 4, 369-384.

5. Li, Chenyang and Hong Xiao. 2014. “Overseas Chinese and the Growing Influence of Chinese Philosophy” (全球人和中国哲学的世界性). Journal of Sun Yatsen University (Social Science Edition) (中山大学学:社会科学版) Vol. 54, No 1, 111-117.

6. Xiao, Hong. 2013. “Knowledge Gaps on Water Issues and Consumption Habits in At-risk Chinese Cities.” International Journal of China Studies, Vol. 4, No 3, 327-341.

7. Li, Chenyang and Hong Xiao. 2013. “Chinese Diaspora as People of Their Own Countries and Chinese Philosophy as World Philosophy.” Chinese Studies, Vol. 31, No 2, 63-83.

8. Xiao, Hong. 2005. “Value Priorities and Human Rights Policy: A Comparison between China and Western Nations.” Journal of Human Values. Vol. 11, No 2, 87-102.

9. Xiao, Hong, and Chenyang Li. 2005. “Ethics and Leadership: A Comparison of Hobbesian Men, Gilliganian Women, and Confucian Asians.” East-West Connections: Review of Asian Studies, Vol. 5, No 1, 107-114

10. Xiao, Hong. 2000.“Social Class, Gender, and Parental Values in the 1990s.” Gender & Society. Vol. 14, No 6, 785-803.

11. Xiao, Hong. 2000.“Structure of Childrearing Values in Urban China.” Sociological Perspectives. Vol. 43, No 3, 457-71.

12. Xiao, Hong. 1999. "Independence and Obedience: An Analysis of Socialization Values in the United States and China." Journal of Comparative Family Studies. Vol. 30, No 4, 641-57.

13. Xiao, Hong and Nancy Andes. 1999. “Sources of Parental Values.” Journal of Human Values. Vol. 5, No 2, 157-67.

14. Li, Chenyang and Hong Xiao. 1990. “The Challenge of Feminist Thinking.” (女性思维方式的挑战). Philosophical Trends (哲学动态), Vol. 1: 26-29 and Vol. 2: 22-24.









